Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Solving Word Problems

Early in the year, I established expectations for how to thoroughly answer a Math word problem. After knowing the expectations for how third graders answer word problems and talking with other first grade teachers, I introduced the 5 steps to problem solving to my students.

I don't expect all First Grade students to be masters at this right away ... it takes time. In fact, the initial response from my students was groaning. By the middle of the year, my students were solving word problems independently using the 5 steps. Sure, my struggling Math students needed some reminders about what step comes next, but overall, HUGE progress. Even the students noticed that it was getting easier! By the end of the year, ALL of my students were using the 5 steps independently. My students who needed reminders about the steps learned to turn to our reference poster for help!

The five steps are: Picture, Numbers, Word Sentence, Number Sentence, and Answer.

When it comes to teaching, I truly believe: set the bar high and make your students reach for it!

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